Saturday, February 03, 2007

February is Heart Month

It seems our causes are an ever-growing list, aren't they? So many things to be concerned about, so many things that need our attention... it is overwhelming. And yet, if we do what God says, to focus on the ONE thing that is most important, then all others things will fall into place. Why is it so hard to remember that? I get so busy with little details and things the probably do not matter at all (in the scheme of eternity)... and it just lays on my mind, causing me to be stressed, lose sleep, be grouchy (hard to believe, right?!!)...

I am trying to step back and let God be God, and let Him give me peace. After all, I do believe that He is in control and can handle it. Why I don't let Him? That's an unanswer-able question.

Have a great month. TTYL. <3

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