Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kiss me once...

...then kiss me twice, and kiss me once again ~ it's been a long, long time...

okay, are you wondering why the kissin' comes in?
well ~
i went to check out my blog, and realize that it has been way over 6 months!! Yikes!
and thus, the long, long time came to my mind, and i remembered a song we learned for a special chorus program we did when i was a 9th grader - wow, now THAT has been a long, long time as well!

I guess i have not had much to say since the last posting? ha! you KNOW that's not true.

seriously, as many of you know, my mom has been battling cancer and i just had too much of real life to deal with - so, i am in between right now, and she is finishing up the chemo - but we are dealing with side effects still...

however, i do have a little less driving and scheduling due to her medical appointments

is anybody out there? i know that this blog is mostly for my own therapy, but i just wondered.

be back to chat again soon.

1 comment:

cajunsis said...

Sandy, you are never going to believe how I found your blog! I had no idea you even had one. Long story, but here I am - marking you. Start posting girlfriend! What is going on in your life? How is your mom.

Love ya!