Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Why is it always something? After a not-so-good night of not-sleeping-well, one of my girls came in and said that she needed to borrow my car because she had a flat tire! Not that I have a life, of course, or might need my car... ugh! So she left me with her disabled car and her keys and instructions for me to get someone to take care of it. These are the times when I revert back to childhood and wish that I was Samantha and could just wiggle my nose. :)

Yesterday, I took another daughter's car to the dealer to have a couple of minor repairs made - things like buttons to move the side windows... nothing huge you see, but those little annoying things that just drive you CrAZy!!

I did have a meeting to attend tonight, but without a vehicle, I will not be able to go. And I also cannot clean out my car which has some yard sale stuff inside... I have to try to do all of these outdoors things now because I HATE cold weather and cannot be outside at all once the weather turns. I might freeze, then crack, and then what good would I be? lol

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