Saturday, October 07, 2006


I do not like this word.
It brings to mind something that is difficult, an obstacle... you can have someone challenge your authority, or challenge your opinions and beliefs... or you can be challenged by situations... it is the situations out of my control that I perceive to be the worst. We all know those "full of faith" people who are inspired by challenges, those folks who have such a great faith in God that their circumstances are always received as blessings, even the difficult ones... but I have never been one of those people.

I have thought that my childhood faith was somehow skewed in my childish mind and those early beliefs get me every time! Did any of you have this thought: If I am a good girl, then things will go well for me. That translated into, if I am a Christian, my life will be perfect.

Okay, I know... you are saying, what an idiot! Anyone who reads the Bible KNOWS that this is SO NOT TRUE! But my head knowledge does not align with my feelings, and particularly when I am in a situation where I believe that I have done nothing wrong.

Immediately, the HS will nudge me and say, 'but Jesus did nothing wrong', 'he was perfect and he obeyed perfectly' --- so unlike me who disobeys almost daily... and if Jesus was not protected from circumstances of this evil stinkin' world, why would I presume that I SHOULD BE?? I mean, that is pretty arrogant, right?


Anyway, this is my entry for today - these Word challenges are not exactly what I want to be thinking about... it reveals so much in me that still needs to be worked on. :( God help me.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...


I too see where I think I "should" be and how far short I am and fail to see how far I have come. We will never "arrive" until we reach heaven! I am just starting to realize that. Be encouraged. Look at where you were a year ago, five years ago. How has your faith grown? How are you closer in your spiritual waslk now than you were then?