Friday, August 18, 2006

Sandy's Smiles

Where IS the Joy??
Well, after a night of crying myself to sleep, I can only surmise that I'm depressed. Do I have reasons for this? I suppose, but it's no way to live. Oh, I can ACT the part and do what I have to in order to fulfill my responsibilities, but I am having no joy. Things... well, I don't even want to share them "out loud"... you would wonder why a Christian person would even suffer in this way? Well, I wonder... my DISC personality is a "C" - this is an easy test that Larry Burkett first shared on his website and I have really learned a lot about myself and others, and yet - it doesn't help me to cope with things when they ALL come crashing down at the same time. If you aren't familiar with this personality inventory, it's very good and very accurate. You can find it here ( Don't forget to share with me, okay?
Still waiting for a smile from someone, anyone??

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Driver is a D -- I have books about this test and they give much more info, but this is a good quick way to see some of your strengths and weaknesses. Of course, by the time you're as old as me, you certainly should have a good grasp of that! :)
Thanks for the prayers. I have not had this issue before and just don't know how to handle it. What do people do?